The Varrier - Jones Foundation
The Varrier-Jones Foundation's primary objective is to provide financial support for the work of the Papworth Trust, a leading disability charity. We meet this commitment through the development and investment of our assets, both commercial property and market investments. Investments are managed on a total return basis, with long term investment returns supporting regular donations to the Papworth Trust to achieve its objectives. We also make modest grants towards the work of other charities providing services for people with disabilities.
Papworth Trust’s vision is for a world where disabled people are seen for who they are, and its mission is for disabled people to have equality, choice and independence. It delivers this by providing a range of high-quality services for disabled and disadvantaged people, and campaigning for changes that disabled people want.
Dr (later Sir) Pendrill Charles Varrier - Jones (24 February 1883 – 30 January 1941) was a Welsh-born physician who created Papworth Village Settlement, an industrial colony for the treatment and rehabilitation of tuberculosis patients. From 1948, the treatment blocks of the settlement were passed to the National Health Service to become Papworth Hospital and the charitable foundation later became the Papworth Trust.
The Varrier-Jones Foundation (The Foundation) was formed in 1997, with assets separated out from those of the Papworth Trust (The Trust) in order to make the most effective use of the land, property and investment holdings of the Trust, allowing the Trust to focus on operational delivery and expansion of its service offerings to disabled people.
The Foundation, which is based in the village of Papworth Everard, has since developed the Papworth Business Park and the Papworth Village Centre, along with the disposal of significant elements of land for private housing, which has enabled the village of Papworth Everard to develop and become a much more attractive place to live. Alongside this the Foundation has grown its investment portfolio significantly so that it is able to continue to make substantial annual grants to support the work of the Trust, and other charities supporting disabled people.